Arterial Diseases

Arteries are blood vessels carrying clean blood. Compared to the veins, arteries have a higher blood pressure and are rich in oxygen, vitamins, and minerals. There are several types of arterial diseases and some of them may slowly progress in the course of time without showing any signs or symptoms. Therefore, regular check-ups should be made. For detailed information and appointment, send form!

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What are Arterial Diseases ?

Most common arterial disease is atherosclerosis, in other words arterial stiffness.
The symptoms of this disease, which begins in childhood, are shown after the age of 40 depending on the lifestyle of the individual. This can be defined as the narrowing of the vascular tract due to the thickening of the vessel wall. In progressive atherosclerosis, obstruction occurs and then causes a serious damage to internal organs. Aorta dissection is defined as the tearing of vascular layers. In this case, there is a risk of death if the patient is not intervened immediately. Aneurysm is another arterial disease. Aneurysm, which is also defined as ballooning, is generally revealed at the aorta. The most severe symptom of this condition is rupture, i.e. burst, which threatens the patient’s life.

What are the symptoms of arterial diseases?

There are several different signs and symptoms of arterial diseases.
Generally, pain may occur at the problematic site after fatigue or long walking. Furthermore, any impairment or dysfunction of the relevant artery may also be both the symptom and the outcome of the arterial disease. It may also present with pain in the heart, chest pain, and shortness of breath as well as kidney failure, claudication, and stroke. In cases of circulatory failure, open wounds may develop besides the pain.

Diagnosis Process of Arterial Diseases

Cardiovascular health is one of the important branches affecting the overall health of the individuals. Therefore, individuals particularly at risk should have a lifestyle which protects their cardiovascular health.
Moreover, it is very important to have regular check-ups after the age 40 for early diagnosis.
To diagnose the arterial diseases; complaints of the patient and detailed family history of the patient should be firstly obtained. After that, colored Doppler ultrasound is applied to map the vessels. MR angiography and CT angiography are also applied to analyze the structural anomalies, degree and location of the obstruction or narrowing of the arteries. The general health status, lifestyle, and age of the patient should be taken into consideration when planning treatment for the diagnosed disease. Arterial disease cases requiring immediate intervention are the vessel traumas that require immediate intervention generally in the first 6 hours. If no intervention is made, the risk of limb loss is high.

Interventional Treatment of Arterial Diseases

Cardiovascular health is one of the important branches affect

Interventional Treatment of Arterial Diseases

Arterial diseases may be treated via medication or open surgery. However, interventional treatment options are mostly preferred as successful outcomes are achieved with the improvements in the technology provided today.

Balloons, stents or catheters specially designed for use inside the vessels are used in the interventional treatment methods. With the utilization of catheter, these problems can be recovered without the need for open surgery.

ng the overall health of the individuals. Therefore, individuals particularly at risk should have a lifestyle which protects their cardiovascular health.
Moreover, it is very important to have regular check-ups after the age 40 for early diagnosis.
To diagnose the arterial diseases; complaints of the patient and detailed family history of the patient should be firstly obtained. After that, colored Doppler ultrasound is applied to map the vessels. MR angiography and CT angiography are also applied to analyze the structural anomalies, degree and location of the obstruction or narrowing of the arteries. The general health status, lifestyle, and age of the patient should be taken into consideration when planning treatment for the diagnosed disease. Arterial disease cases requiring immediate intervention are the vessel traumas that require immediate intervention generally in the first 6 hours. If no intervention is made, the risk of limb loss is high.

Dr. Onur ÜSTÜNEL Kimdir?

1983 yılında Kütahya’da doğmuştur. Başkent üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesinde tıp eğitimini 6 yıllık başarılı bir eğitim sürecinde tamamladıktan sonra 2007 yılında mezun olmuştur. Kütahya Merkez Seyitömer Sağlık Ocağında zorunlu hizmet kapsamında Pratisyen hekim olarak kariyerine başlamıştır. Akabinde, TUS sınavını kazanarak Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Ana Bilim Dalında ihtisas eğitimine devam etmiştir. Alanındaki güncel gelişmeleri takip eden Op. Dr. Onur Üstünel, 2014-2015 yılları arasında Bologna Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Sant’orsola Ospedale Kalp Damar Cerrahi Bölümünde, ünlü Kalp Damar Cerrahları Prof. Dr. Roberta Di Bartalemeo ve Prof. Dr. Davide Pacini ile kariyerini sürdürmüştür. 2014 yılında ve 2015 yılında EACTS (European Assosication of Cardiothoracic Surgery) derneğinin Windsor İngiltere’de mesleki kurslarına katılarak akademik gelişimine devam etmiştir. Uzmanlık eğitimini tamamladıktan sonra, zorunlu hizmet kapsamında Siirt Devlet Hastanesinde bulunmuş, ardından Ankara Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesinde çalışmaya devam etmiştir. Kariyerine İzmir’de devam eden Onur Üstünel, Bozyaka Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesinde çalışmaya devam etmiştir. Son olarak Bornova Türkan Özilhan Devlet hastanesinde bölümünün ameliyat ve hizmetlerini başlatmıştır. Ardından, buradaki hastalarına daha kaliteli ve butik bir hizmet verebilmek için kendi özel muayenehanesini açarak hasta kabulüne Alsancak’ta devam etmektedir. Aynı zamanda aktif olarak European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery (EACTS), Türk Kalp Damar Cerrahi Derneği (TKDCD), Ulusal Vasküler Cerrahi Derneği ve European Society for Vascular Surgery ,İzmir Tabip Odası üyesi olan Onur Üstünel hobi olarak İzmir Tenis Kulübüne üyedir.

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